Kenny Flowers

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Swimwear - November - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

Email Marketing Overview : In the dynamic swimwear sector of November 2023, Frankies Bikinis and Summersalt emerge as industry leaders, sending 30 and 32 emails on average, combining excellent email scores of 41.53% and 58.88%. Their well-balanced strategy places them at the forefront. Meanwhile, Beach Bunny Swimwear and Solid & Striped lag, struggling with both email volume and scoring, signaling a need for a more comprehensive and engaging email marketing approach.

Email Deliverability Insights : Kitty & Vibe excels in email deliverability with a low spam score and fair email size, showcasing optimization for successful delivery. Conversely, Left On Friday faces challenges with a high spam score and a large email size, necessitating improvements in their email delivery strategy. While Dippin Daisy's exhibits potential in email delivery, it falls short in email scoring, indicating a need for a balanced approach to enhance overall email performance.

Ads Performance : The swimwear advertising arena is fiercely competitive, with Frankies Bikinis and Beach Riot leading the pack, publishing 85 and 73 ads, respectively. Both brands not only maintain high ad velocity but also showcase diversity in their ad copies, featuring numerous unique images and videos. In contrast, Kenny Flowers struggles, marked by poor ad velocity and limited diversity, suggesting a need for a more dynamic and engaging advertising strategy. In a visually-driven market, a rich mix of images and videos proves crucial for brand engagement and recall, an area where Frankies Bikinis and Beach Riot excel.

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Swimwear - February - 2024

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

Email Marketing Performance: Cupshe leads in email marketing, sending 71 emails with a scoring of 53.3% and heavy promotional content at 49%. Kenny Flowers and Summersalt also perform well, with Kenny Flowers sending 27 emails with a fair scoring of 55.19% and minimal promotions. Summersalt sent 24 emails with an impressive 69.67% scoring and 12% promotional content. These brands are highly active and have good engagement through email marketing strategies, leveraging promotions and thematic content effectively.

Email Deliverability and Spam Scores: Left On Friday excels in email deliverability with a spam score of -3.38 but struggles with large email sizes. Fair Harbor and Cupshe also perform well with spam scores of -3.08 and -3.21 respectively. Summersalt maintains a good balance with a spam score of -3.02 and efficient email size. On the other hand, brands like Dippin Daisy's and Solid & Striped face challenges with poor spam scores and larger email sizes, indicating potential issues in email deliverability that could affect engagement rates.

Advertising Impact and Diversity: Summersalt leads in advertising with 76 new ads and 43 unique copies, followed closely by Andie with 71 new ads and 34 unique copies. Beach Riot and Fair Harbor also show significant ad volumes with 69 and 68 new ads respectively. In contrast, brands like Four Three Seven and Solid & Striped lag behind with fewer ads and lower diversity. Summersalt and Andie further excel in social ad diversity with high proportions of new images and videos, enhancing their engagement across platforms. Meanwhile, brands like Beach Bunny Swimwear and Frankies Bikinis need to improve their ad diversity to boost their performance.

Read Benchmark

Swimwear - January - 2024

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

Email Marketing Performance: Cupshe dominates email marketing with 73 emails, exhibiting excellent email scoring despite needing improvement in promotional diversity. Kenny Flowers follows with 27 emails, displaying strong email scoring and promotional variety. Beach Riot showcases promising email marketing strategies, sending 23 emails with good email scoring despite requiring enhancement in promotional diversity. Frankies Bikinis and Summersalt demonstrate potential but need improvements in both email scoring and promotional diversity to compete effectively in the swimwear industry.

Email Deliverability and Spam Scores: Kitty & Vibe leads in email deliverability with a positive spam score and effective email size management, positioning itself as a top performer in the swimwear industry. Dippin Daisy's excels in email deliverability with a positive spam score, despite the need for improvement in email size management. Beach Bunny Swimwear faces challenges in email deliverability, requiring strategic adjustments to enhance email deliverability and competitiveness. Four Three Seven demonstrates strong email deliverability with a positive spam score and efficient email size management, distinguishing itself as a leader in the industry.

Advertising Impact and Diversity: Summersalt leads in advertising impact with 78 impactful ads, highlighting both volume and diversity in ad content, reflecting its strong market presence in the swimwear industry. Fair Harbor closely follows with 71 impactful ads, showcasing a variety of unique copies and strong advertising volume. Andie demonstrates strong advertising impact with 71 impactful ads, requiring enhancements in diversity to optimize advertising impact and competitiveness. Dippin Daisy's and Beach Riot present solid advertising strategies, with 53 and 50 impactful ads, respectively, emphasizing a balance between volume and diversity in ad content. Left On Friday faces challenges in advertising diversity, necessitating strategic adjustments to effectively engage consumers and remain competitive.

Read Benchmark

Swimwear - December - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

Email Marketing Overview: Cupshe leads in email marketing, sending 61 emails with a good performance score of 55.97%. Summersalt closely follows with an impressive 29 emails and the highest performance score of 63.79%. Frankies Bikinis and Kenny Flowers maintain competitive positions with good email volumes. Beach Riot and Beach Bunny Swimwear exhibit potential but with room for improvement in both volume and performance. Struggling with lower performance, Solid & Striped, Andie, and Left On Friday need strategic adjustments for more effective email marketing.

Email Deliverability Insights: Kitty & Vibe excels in email deliverability with the best spam score improvement and smaller email sizes. Dippin Daisy's showcases good deliverability despite larger email sizes. Beach Bunny Swimwear demonstrates excellent deliverability with both improved spam scores and email sizes. Brands like Four Three Seven, Fair Harbor, and Beach Riot need strategic adjustments for better deliverability. Solid & Striped faces challenges with larger email sizes despite a moderate spam score.

Ads Performance: Andie emerges as a leader in advertising, demonstrating 86 impactful ads and a diverse range of 31 unique copies. Dippin Daisy's, Summersalt, and Frankies Bikinis maintain strong advertising strategies, combining substantial ad volumes with engaging content. Kenny Flowers and Cupshe show competitive advertising impact. Struggling with both volume and content diversity, Left On Friday, Solid & Striped, and Beach Bunny Swimwear need strategic adjustments for competitive advertising.

Read Benchmark

Swimwear - October - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

Email Marketing Summary: In the swimwear industry, Summersalt shines as a leader in email marketing, sending a high volume of emails with excellent email scoring and a reasonable level of promotions. Beach Riot and Kenny Flowers also perform well in email marketing, but Beach Riot should work on reducing promotions. Fair Harbor and Andie maintain good email practices with potential for improvement in email scoring and promotions. Left On Friday and Solid & Striped exhibit room for improvement, especially in promotions. Frankies Bikinis, Four Three Seven, Beach Bunny Swimwear, and Monday Swimwear need to enhance their email marketing strategies, while Kitty & Vibe, Dippin Daisy's, Vitamin A Swim, and Cupshe lag in this category.

Email Deliverability Summary: Kitty & Vibe excels in email deliverability with good spam scores and email sizes. Dippin Daisy's follows closely, maintaining fair spam scores and email sizes. Beach Bunny Swimwear demonstrates strong email deliverability with excellent spam scores and small email sizes. Four Three Seven maintains a robust presence with fair spam scores and moderate email sizes. Andie exhibits good email deliverability but should reduce email sizes. Fair Harbor, Beach Riot, and Vitamin A Swim should work on both spam scores and email sizes. Frankies Bikinis lacks spam score data but maintains small email sizes. Left On Friday, Solid & Striped, Monday Swimwear, Summersalt, and Kenny Flowers perform well in email deliverability. Cupshe lacks data in both spam scores and email sizes.

Ads Performance Summary: Four Three Seven leads in advertising performance with the highest number of new ads detected and a wide variety of unique copies. Cupshe closely follows with strong advertising performance, including numerous new ads and unique copies. Summersalt, Beach Riot, and Andie perform well in both new ads and unique copies. Frankies Bikinis, Fair Harbor, Dippin Daisy's, and Kenny Flowers show potential in this category. Monday Swimwear, Beach Bunny Swimwear, Kitty & Vibe, Solid & Striped, Left On Friday, and Vitamin A Swim need to enhance their advertising strategies.

Read Benchmark

Swimwear - August - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

In August, Cupshe stood out both in emails and ads.

For emails, Cupshe sent 27 emails, and Summersalt closely followed with 26 emails.

In terms of advertising, Cupshe led with 91 new ads, while Left On Friday took second place with 77 new ads introduced.

In their advertising approach, both Cupshe and Left On Friday favored images in their new ads this month. Cupshe employed 64 images compared to 27 videos, and Left On Friday used 40 images and 36 videos.

Read Benchmark

Swimwear - September - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

Email Marketing Summary: Summersalt stands out in the swimwear industry with good email performance and a relatively low promotion percentage. Beach Riot and Andie also perform well in email marketing. However, Monday Swimwear lags behind with poor email performance and a high promotion percentage.

Email Deliverability Summary: Kitty & Vibe excels in email deliverability with a very good spam score and optimized email size. Cupshe and Kenny Flowers also perform well in email deliverability. However, brands like Monday Swimwear and Solid & Striped need to enhance their email optimization.

Ads Performance Summary: Cupshe dominates advertising in the swimwear industry with the highest number of new ads detected and good unique copy performance. Kenny Flowers and Fair Harbor also perform well in advertising. On the other hand, Monday Swimwear and Beach Bunny Swimwear have minimal advertising presence.

In summary, Summersalt leads in email marketing, Kitty & Vibe excels in email deliverability, and Cupshe dominates in advertising within the swimwear industry. Brands like Monday Swimwear need to enhance their overall marketing efforts.

Read Benchmark

Swimwear - July - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

In July, Dippin' Daisy's maintains its lead in emails with 28 messages. Summersalt and Vitamin A Swim closely follow with 27 emails each.

In terms of advertising, Cupshe takes the top spot with 120 new ads created and the highest number of ad copies (61). Andie secures the second position with 101 new ads.

Regarding ad strategy, Cupshe prioritized videos, utilizing 61 videos compared to 59 images. Meanwhile, Andie employed more images, using 55 images versus 46 videos.

Read Benchmark

Swimwear - June - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

During the month of June, the leaders in emails were Dippin Daisy's and Vitamin A Swim. Dippin Daisy's held the first position with a total of 31 emails, while Vitamin A Swim followed in the second position with 30 emails.

When it comes to advertising, Cupshe maintained its top position by creating 150 new ads, utilizing the highest number of ad copies (57) among all the brands in the benchmark. Following behind is Four Three Seven with 124 new ads.

In terms of ad media strategy, Cupshe gave priority to images, relying on 92 images compared to 57 videos. Conversely, Four Three Seven adopted a different approach, utilizing more videos with 65 videos and 59 images.

Read Benchmark

Swimwear - May - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

In May, Frankies Bikinis fell short of securing the top position, as Cupshe claimed the lead. Frankies Bikinis sent a total of 30 emails, whereas Cupshe surpassed them with 33 emails during the month.

Maintaining its dominance in the advertising realm, Cupshe continued to shine with an impressive 120 new ads created. Summersalt closely followed with 112 new ads, boasting the highest number of ad copies with a total of 64 unique variations.

Both Cupshe and Summersalt showcase their brands predominantly through images in their advertisements. Cupshe leverages 79 images alongside 40 videos, while Summersalt used 80 images and 26 videos.

Read Benchmark

Swimwear - April - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

Frankies Bikinis maintained its lead in terms of emails sent, sending 35 emails in April, compared to 32 emails in March. Beach Bunny Swimwear followed with 30 emails sent in the same period.

In terms of new ads created, Cupshe remained the top brand with 60 new ads created during April, the same number as March. Frankies Bikinis came second with 57 new ads created in the same period.

Both Cupshe and Frankies Bikinis had a similar ad strategy, focusing on using images in their new ads. Cupshe used 54 new images and 6 new videos, while Frankies Bikinis used 49 new images and 8 new videos in their new ads.

Read Benchmark

Swimwear - March - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

In March, Frankies Bikinis took the lead in the number of emails sent with 32 emails, followed by Beach Bunny Swimwear with 30 emails sent.

Cupshe emerged as the top brand in terms of new ads launched with 60 new ads, and also had the highest number of unique ad copies used during the same period, with 25 unique ad copies. Solid & Striped followed closely with 40 new ads launched.

Cupshe's advertising strategy is solely focused on using images, with 100% of their media used in the form of images, and they launched 58 new images.

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Kenny Flowers


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Swimwear brands provide a wide range of styles and sizes to accommodate all body types and personal preferences. However, these brands may face challenges in their marketing efforts, such as developing campaigns that promote inclusivity and finding unique ways to set themselves apart in the market. Explore the world of swimwear with these leading brands and discover their promotional strategies to splash in the industry.