SET Active

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SET Active

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SET Active
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Activewear - February - 2024

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

Email Marketing Performance: NO BULL leads in email marketing with 25 emails sent, achieving a strong email scoring of 61.72%, and focusing on non-promotional content. Billabong follows closely with 22 emails and a fair email scoring of 47.73%, incorporating minimal promotions. Born Primitive is also noteworthy, sending 21 emails with a good scoring of 57.33% and balancing promotional content at 38%. These brands effectively engage their audience through consistent and well-scored email strategies.

Email Deliverability and Spam Scores: Recess Activewear excels in email deliverability with an optimal spam score of -3.15, despite a high email size of 4,569.41 kb. Tracksmith performs well with a spam score of -2.12 and a manageable email size. NO BULL maintains a good balance with a spam score of -2.2 and an efficient email size, ensuring effective inbox placement. Conversely, POPFLEX Active and Senita Athletics struggle with higher spam scores, indicating potential deliverability issues that need addressing.

Advertising Impact and Diversity: Fabletics dominates in advertising with 124 new ads and diverse content, followed by Born Living Yoga with 100 new ads and a strong mix of 36 unique copies. P.E Nation and Billabong also show significant ad volumes with 84 and 82 new ads, respectively. In contrast, brands like Recess Activewear and Tracksmith lag behind with fewer ads and lower diversity, highlighting areas for improvement. Social ad diversity also favors Born Living Yoga and Fabletics, showcasing a higher proportion of new videos and images compared to other brands.

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Activewear - January - 2024

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

Email Marketing Performance: NO BULL stands out as the top performer in email marketing, sending 27 emails with excellent email scoring and promotional diversity. Billabong follows closely with 23 emails, showcasing good email scoring despite needing improvements in promotional diversity. Born Primitive demonstrates strong email marketing strategies, sending 22 emails with robust email scoring and a diverse promotional mix. SET Active and Senita Athletics present potential but require enhancements in both email scoring and promotional diversity to compete effectively in the activewear industry.

Email Deliverability and Spam Scores: Recess Activewear leads in email deliverability with a positive spam score and efficient email size management, positioning itself as a top performer in the activewear industry. Tracksmith excels in email deliverability with a positive spam score and effective email size management, reflecting its strong market presence. Born Living Yoga struggles in email deliverability, showcasing a negative impact on spam score and inefficient email size management, necessitating strategic adjustments to enhance email deliverability and competitiveness. Billabong demonstrates strong email deliverability with efficient email size management, distinguishing itself as a leader in the industry.

Advertising Performance: Fabletics leads in advertising impact with 124 impactful ads, highlighting both volume and diversity in ad content, reflecting its strong market presence in the activewear industry. Born Living Yoga closely follows with 100 impactful ads, showcasing a variety of unique copies and strong advertising volume. P.E Nation demonstrates strong advertising impact with 84 impactful ads, requiring enhancements in diversity to optimize advertising impact and competitiveness. Billabong and Lorna Jane Active present solid advertising strategies, with 82 and 76 impactful ads, respectively, emphasizing a balance between volume and diversity in ad content. NO BULL faces challenges in advertising diversity, necessitating strategic adjustments to effectively engage consumers and remain competitive.

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Activewear - December - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

Email Marketing Overview: Billabong leads in email marketing, sending 27 emails with a good performance score of 52.19%. Born Primitive and SET Active closely follow with competitive email volumes and good performance. NO BULL and P.E Nation maintain strong positions with both effective email volumes and well-performing content. Senita Athletics exhibits potential but requires content optimization for a more competitive edge. Struggling with lower performance, Recess Activewear, Tracksmith, and Born Living Yoga need immediate strategy adjustments to enhance their email marketing effectiveness.

Email Deliverability Insights: Recess Activewear faces challenges in email deliverability, showcasing a decreased spam score and larger email sizes. Born Living Yoga demonstrates good deliverability but with larger email sizes, indicating room for improvement. Billabong, Tracksmith, and P.E Nation maintain good deliverability with varied spam scores and email sizes. Brands like Fabletics and POPFLEX Active struggle with both spam scores and larger email sizes, requiring strategic adjustments for competitive marketing.

Ads Performance: Fabletics emerges as a leader in advertising, demonstrating 113 impactful ads and a diverse range of 15 unique copies. P.E Nation, Born Primitive, and Lorna Jane Active maintain strong advertising strategies, combining substantial ad volumes with engaging content. NO BULL and Senita Athletics show competitive advertising impact. Struggling with both volume and content diversity, Recess Activewear, WAA Ultra, and Ryderwear need strategic adjustments for competitive advertising. PollyPark and SET Active, with no detected ads, should focus on developing effective advertising strategies.

Read Benchmark

Activewear - November - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

Email Marketing Overview : In the fast-paced activewear industry of November 2023, NO BULL and Born Primitive emerge as frontrunners with 43 and 26 impactful emails, boasting high email scores of 59.21% and 43.77%, respectively. SET Active and Senita Athletics closely follow, displaying promising performances in both email quantity and quality. However, Lorna Jane Active and Tracksmith struggle, lacking in both email volume and scoring, signaling a need for strategic adjustments to stay competitive.

Email Deliverability Insights : Recess Activewear, Tracksmith, and Born Primitive lead in email deliverability, showcasing low spam scores and efficient email sizes. On the flip side, Ryderwear faces challenges, marked by a high spam score and suboptimal email size, necessitating improvements in their email delivery strategy. While POPFLEX Active exhibits potential in email delivery, it falls short in email scoring, indicating a need for a balanced approach to enhance overall email performance.

Ads Performance : Billabong and Fabletics dominate the advertising landscape with 124 and 115 ads, respectively, displaying not only high velocity but also a diverse range of unique copies. Born Living Yoga stands out for social ad diversity, combining a substantial number of images and videos. However, SET Active struggles in both ad velocity and diversity, signaling a need for a more dynamic and engaging advertising strategy. In a visually-driven market, a rich mix of images and videos proves crucial for brand engagement and recall, an area where Born Living Yoga excels.

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Activewear - October - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

Email Marketing Summary: In the Activewear industry, email marketing is generally strong but with room for improvement. Born Primitive leads with a good volume of emails sent and high email scoring, minimizing promotions. NO BULL follows closely with good email practices but needs to reduce promotions further. Billabong maintains a robust presence with good email practices but lacks email scoring. P.E Nation demonstrates good email practices but should work on improving email scoring and promotions. SET Active, Senita Athletics, POPFLEX Active, and Recess Activewear exhibit potential, while Ryderwear and Lorna Jane Active have a substantial email volume but should improve email scoring and promotions. Tracksmith, Born Living Yoga, WAA Ultra, PollyPark, and Fabletics need to enhance their email marketing strategies.

Email Deliverability Summary: Recess Activewear stands out with good email deliverability, exhibiting an excellent spam score and reasonable email size. Tracksmith follows with excellent spam scores and email sizes. Born Living Yoga maintains a robust presence in email deliverability, with a good spam score but should reduce email size. Billabong demonstrates potential in email deliverability. Lorna Jane Active, WAA Ultra, and Senita Athletics exhibit room for improvement but maintain reasonable email sizes. Fabletics, POPFLEX Active, P.E Nation, and SET Active need to work on both spam scores and email sizes. Ryderwear and NO BULL lag in email deliverability.

Ads Performance Summary: Fabletics leads in advertising performance with the highest number of new ads detected and a wide variety of unique copies. Billabong follows closely with strong advertising performance, including numerous new ads and unique copies. Born Living Yoga also excels in both new ads and unique copies. NO BULL demonstrates good advertising performance. Senita Athletics and WAA Ultra show potential in this category. P.E Nation, Lorna Jane Active, POPFLEX Active, and Recess Activewear need to enhance their advertising strategies. Born Primitive, Ryderwear, SET Active, and Tracksmith lag behind in advertising performance.

Read Benchmark

Activewear - August - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

In August, NO BULL maintained its leadership in emails, sending a total of 34. Born Primitive secured the second position with 24 emails.

Shifting to advertising, Born Primitive once again took the lead by creating 150 new ads. Fabletics followed with 90 new ads introduced this month.

In terms of ad strategy, both Born Primitive and Fabletics favored images in their approach this month. Born Primitive utilized 128 images and 22 videos, while Fabletics opted for 56 images and 34 videos.

Read Benchmark

Activewear - September - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

Email Marketing Summary: In the activewear industry, NO BULL leads in email marketing with a good email score and a low promotion percentage. Born Primitive also performs well with a good email score and promotion balance. Brands like Ryderwear and PollyPark lag behind in email marketing.

Email Deliverability Summary: Recess Activewear excels in email deliverability with a very good spam score and optimized email size. Fabletics and Billabong also perform well in email deliverability. Brands like WAA Ultra and Tracksmith need to improve their email deliverability.

Ads Performance Summary: Ryderwear dominates advertising in the activewear industry with the highest number of new ads detected and good unique copy performance. Fabletics and P.E Nation also perform well in advertising. However, brands like SET Active have minimal advertising presence.

In summary, NO BULL leads in email marketing, Recess Activewear excels in email deliverability, and Ryderwear dominates in advertising within the activewear industry. However, some brands like SET Active and WAA Ultra need to enhance their marketing efforts.

Read Benchmark

Activewear - July - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

In July, NO BULL and SET Active maintained their positions as the top brands in emails, sending 35 and 18 emails, respectively.

In terms of advertising, Born Primitive takes the lead this month with 150 new ads created, while P.E Nation follows in the second position with 105 new ads.

Regarding ad strategy, both Born Primitive and P.E Nation prioritized images this month. Born Primitive used 88 images compared to 57 videos, and P.E Nation also used 88 images but only 16 videos.

Read Benchmark

Activewear - June - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

During June, NOBULL once again took the lead in emails with 32 emails sent, followed by SET Active with 17 emails.

In terms of advertising, Fabletics secured the top position with 101 new ads created, while Born Primitive claimed the second position with 93 new ads.

Regarding ad media usage in their ads this month, Fabletics gave priority to images, utilizing 74 images and 26 videos. On the other hand, Born Primitive adopted a balanced approach, using 47 videos and 46 images.

Read Benchmark

Activewear - May - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

In May, NOBULL once again emerges as the leader in emails, with a total of 29 emails sent. Senita Athletics follows closely behind, sending 18 emails during the same month.

Turning to advertising, both NOBULL and Lorna Jane Active shine as leaders, each creating an impressive total of 95 new ads. They are closely trailed by Born Primitive with 94 new ads.

When it comes to their ad strategies, NOBULL and Born Primitive prioritize imagery, while Lorna Jane Active places an emphasis on videos. NOBULL utilizes 80 images alongside 13 videos, while Born Primitive employs 74 images in combination with 18 videos. On the other hand, Lorna Jane Active showcases their brand through 58 videos complemented by 35 images.

Read Benchmark

Activewear - March - 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

In the month of March, NO BULL was the brand that sent the highest number of emails, reaching a good average spam score, with 30 emails. Billabong followed closely behind with 25 emails sent during the same period.

When it comes to new ads created, P.E Nation tops the list with 49 new ads launched, and the brand's advertising strategy is mainly focused on using images with 34 new images compared to only 15 videos in the same period.

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Activewear - April- 2023

Created on: 
March 6, 2023
Updated on: 
March 28, 2023
# of emails sent during a 30 days period
# of ads detected in
Email average quality score and Spam score

In April, NO BULL maintained its lead with 31 emails, followed by Billabong with 28 emails. Meanwhile, P.E Nation remained the top brand in terms of new ads created, but Fabletics also created 60 new ads during the same period, tying with P.E Nation. Ryderwear followed with 54 new ads created. Most of these top brands are focused on using images in their ad campaigns. Ryderwear used 45 new images and 8 new videos, P.E Nation used 39 new images and 20 new videos, and Fabletics used 35 new images and 24 new videos.

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Related Creatives and Assets

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SET Active


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Born Living Yoga, Tracksmith, NO BULL, and other activewear brands, offer durable and comfortable clothing designed to enhance your workout experience. The marketing challenges for these brands may include finding the right balance between performance and style and keeping up with evolving trends. Let’s explore these activewear brands’ marketing strategies to push the boundaries of fitness fashion.