Standard Dose

On top of our free benchmarks including

Standard Dose

, access benchmarks on all ecommerce and popular Direct-To-Consumer (DTC) brands from the


industry. Get accurate and updated data on their marketing strategy, their merchandising, their email marketing strategy and ads.


Benchmarks History

Discover all the ecommerce benchmarks where
Standard Dose
is included. You'll find them alongside many other brands from the same
industry. Benchmarks are sorted from the most recent to the oldest - so you can compare them for future reference.

You'll find all the information you're looking for for any specific month.

Related Creatives and Assets

We'll highlight here some marketing creative assets (ads or emails mostly) used by brands in the


industry, including

Standard Dose



Related industries


Supplement brands offer a variety of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to help support overall health and wellness. The Promotional hurdles for these brands can include educating consumers on the benefits of their products, building trust and credibility through scientific research and ingredient transparency, and standing out in a competitive and sometimes controversial industry. Diving into these brands' world, you will discover the science behind their products and how each brand market its distinction in the market.


In the world of cannabis, there are a variety of brands that offer CBD and THC products for different purposes. These brands face a marketing challenge due to the legal status of cannabis products in many places. So, these cannabis brands use innovative marketing strategies to break through the stigma. - Let’s discover how they do it.